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A Rainbow in Prescott?

>> Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Although it never did rain, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky yesterday evening.  It lasted quite a long, over 30 minutes as the sun set...


Havalina On Board!

>> Monday, August 22, 2011

Had a family of havalina pass through the yard today.  First I saw one adult, then a second adult and finally three little ones followed!  Not sure I am happy they were in the yard...


Great Time in Vista, CA

>> Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The drive to Vista, CA wasn't too bad, only 5hrs because I stopped in Chandler, AZ first!  When I got to the Gilpin household cars were everywhere.  Of course the kids plus a girlfriend are living at home.  I stayed in the band room which was pleasant enough. 

We did the Sunday evening beach (something the Gilpin's do often) where I saw Ann for the first time, then Natalie and Loya a few days later.  Modesta and I did Sea World.  I hadn't been in years.  It was quite fun and the shows were pretty good..

I traveled down to San Diego to do Balboa Park, a favorite stopping place for Scott and I, but the memories came into my head and it was too sad... I did not stay and headed back to Vista.  Finally, Mark, Modesta and I went on the Hornblower champagne brunch.  It was a 2hr harbor cruise with great food and plenty of champagne   

On Sunday I drove back to Chandler and Monday did a little shopping before heading  back to Prescott.  It was good to see friends and family...


Road Trip!

>> Friday, August 5, 2011

I am off for a week long road trip!  After my GE range is delivered today (between 1PM-5PM), I will be driving to Chandler to see Melinda & Walter, then early Saturday morning I am driving to Vista, CA to see friends and family!  I am trying to work in a trip north to see Dennis & Marie Kerfeld, but it might have to wait until another time.  It is a 7+hr drive from Vista.


Food Poisoning!

>> Thursday, August 4, 2011

Well, not sure what food did it, but I am sure I was suffering from food poisoning!  Although I rinsed them, I think it might have been the carrots!

The cramping and nausea started around 8PM and it all came up around 3AM after which time I began to feel better.  The next day I still had cramps...


Yeah! The Couch Just Left the Building!

>> Monday, August 1, 2011

Finally, the "damaged" couch was just picked up to be returned to Overstock.  Unfortunately, I was the last stop of the day and they were 45 minutes later then the 5PM last stop time.  But, I did not have to re-package the couch.  Thanks to Overstock. com customer service!


Granite Oaks Water Users Association

On Saturday, July 30, 2011, I went to our water users annual meeting.  It was held in the garage of local home owner.  Apparently our development has three wells which supplies our water.  What was interesting is that in the local water shed, there is a significant yearly deficit of water. Wells are dropping 6ft per year.  And there are 1000's of wells in our area!

The state is working to "harvest" runoff water.  The good news is that our wells are in very good shape and one is barely down from when it was drilled in the 90's.  There are even back-up generators so if we loose power we can still run water.  In addition our non-profit organization is very profitable with 1.6Mil in assets and over $400K cash in the bank! And the water rates have not gone up since they were established in 1994!

The wells are manged by a paid engineering company, the bills and taxes are managed by a paid company, but volunteers sit as a board which makes all of the decisions.  Interesting...



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