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Updated Fan!

>> Thursday, June 16, 2011

One of the first things I noticed about my new house was the "outdated" fans in the house.  So I saw a beautiful fan in Home Depot and purchased it to replace the white fan in the great room.  I will probably use the old white fan in the art studio...

Except for a few electrical issues, which turned out to be a problem because I did not read all of the instructions! all went pretty smoothly.  It was a little scary at first making sure all the electrical was off, but in reality it is pretty simple.


From Humpbacks to Havalina!

>> Friday, June 10, 2011

Hawaii House
On May 28th I closed on a small Santa Fe style house in Prescott, Arizona after leaving the island of Hawaii in early April 2011.

Unfortunately, my significant other of 40 years and I parted ways...  We retired to Hawaii in July of 2007 to build an oceanfront home!  I put many hours into the design before we moved to Hawaii.   We completed the house and moved in on January 28, 2009.  But, as life shows it’s twists and turns, we came to a cross roads and decided to part ways.

In the mean time I am very busy improving my new small Santa Fe house.  Read on to see what I have done and will do!

New Arizona House



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