This is a test... Furniture

>> Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well thanks to my friend Laurie I took the leap and ordered furniture on line!  It was a little scary ordering expensive or not so expensive furniture without seeing them or feeling them in real life!  So far I have ordered (2) chairs, (1) couch and (1) computer desk. 

Unfortunately, the couch had a puncture wound and had to be replaced with a new one.  The only hassle is that I am still waiting for the freight company to pick-up the damage couch!

Assembly can be tedious as was the case with the computer desk!  And instructions are less than adequate. So using one's common sense is a requirement!

Desk in pieces...
Desk as pictured on - mine looks just like it!

So far quality has been pretty good accept for the couch. was very helpful getting the issue resolved.  However, I think they have a problem freight company on their hands...



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