This is a test...


>> Thursday, July 28, 2011

It rained this afternoon for about 30 minutes on and off...  Yeah!

PS Update - still raining and it is after 6PM!!!


Yavapai County Building and Planning

>> Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stopped off at the Yavapai County Building offices today to get information on building permit requirements.  Looks like my permits might cost $500+. I was hoping for much less!!!

If the building is detached it must be at least ten feet from any other structure.  This might eat into  my setback requirements for the "sheet flooding".  I have a picture of the plot plan so I will have to take a look at it and figure out where I am going to put this dang building!

Read more... Furniture

>> Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well thanks to my friend Laurie I took the leap and ordered furniture on line!  It was a little scary ordering expensive or not so expensive furniture without seeing them or feeling them in real life!  So far I have ordered (2) chairs, (1) couch and (1) computer desk. 

Unfortunately, the couch had a puncture wound and had to be replaced with a new one.  The only hassle is that I am still waiting for the freight company to pick-up the damage couch!

Assembly can be tedious as was the case with the computer desk!  And instructions are less than adequate. So using one's common sense is a requirement!

Desk in pieces...
Desk as pictured on - mine looks just like it!

So far quality has been pretty good accept for the couch. was very helpful getting the issue resolved.  However, I think they have a problem freight company on their hands...


Wild Arizona Fox

>> Friday, July 22, 2011

This is the second time that I have seen this animal.  The first time it was very fast and I thought it was a small coyote (about 2 weeks ago).   However, this time I saw it close up and  it stopped and looked back at me.  It crossed through my carport to the front of the house.  Then I lost it in the brush.  Not sure if it is jumping the fence or digging through the bottom.  Kind of interesting until I found an article about a jogger who was attacked by a rabbit fox in Yavapai County!  Yikes!

Wild Arizona Fox


Garage/Art Studio

>> Thursday, July 21, 2011

It is time to start thinking about the new garage/art studio!  I have been playing with my architectural software for preliminary ideas. I want to match the style of the house. This morning I contacted a local drafter that can build acceptable plans for the county.  Perhaps I will not have to wait until next spring, but stay tuned...


Compost Bins

>> Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am starting to think about building some compost bins.  My landscape is currently pretty wild and I will soon begin the process of pruning.  So with the compost bins in place I will have a place to put the green waste. I like the idea of a three bin compost, but as a single person I am not sure I can produce enough waste.


In Search of a Mountain Bike

>> Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I drove to Phoenix/Chandler last weekend to see family, look at granite slabs and I was hoping to pick-up a bicycle!  Walter was kind enough to give me a bicycle rack that fit my car so I was really to purchase that bike!  

Unfortunately, after going to 3 shops, no one had my frame size (16") in my price range.  I guess the good news is that now I will do additional research and perhaps buy on line at a discounted price allowing me to get better components   According to experts and friends spend the money up front or spend it later in broken bike parts!!!!  Hopefully I will see Mike I.  this weekend, an avid mountain biker and he can give me some first hand advice...

I am looking at this yellow baby...



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