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Granite Oaks Water Users Association

>> Monday, August 1, 2011

On Saturday, July 30, 2011, I went to our water users annual meeting.  It was held in the garage of local home owner.  Apparently our development has three wells which supplies our water.  What was interesting is that in the local water shed, there is a significant yearly deficit of water. Wells are dropping 6ft per year.  And there are 1000's of wells in our area!

The state is working to "harvest" runoff water.  The good news is that our wells are in very good shape and one is barely down from when it was drilled in the 90's.  There are even back-up generators so if we loose power we can still run water.  In addition our non-profit organization is very profitable with 1.6Mil in assets and over $400K cash in the bank! And the water rates have not gone up since they were established in 1994!

The wells are manged by a paid engineering company, the bills and taxes are managed by a paid company, but volunteers sit as a board which makes all of the decisions.  Interesting...



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